Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The day just got better!

So I have to say my night just got better. I was sitting in my room and heard something that sounded raptor-ish. not really sure what it was. I kept looking out side my window listening to the sounds i heard and then saw something flash past my window.

I ran down stairs with binocs in hand and saw…


an adult Bard Owl… But the sound was coming from behind me I looked around and see



We had three fledgling Bard Owls flying around the trees. Screeching at each other. Here are a few more:



And the other thing that was Awesome was that while I was putting this together i was listening to WeirdAl on Ustream. It was really funny.


  1. OMG, John!!! Only you would be listening to Wierd Al..... ok, and maybe my husband! What amazing photos!

  2. Ms. Birder, I wasn't just listening to Wierd Al's music. He was doing a live webcast :D
